I would like to promise not to severely neglect my blog ever ever again but that would just make me a big fat liar... I seriously don't know how my fellow
bloggers with 1+ children do it. I want to post all the cool happenings around our house; however, at the end of the day, sleep always emerges victorious in the battle between sleep vs. blogging. I seriously love to sleep! I promise not to let a month go by without posting, if you can live with that so can I.
- Riley and I started an indoor herb garden (not that kind of herb), complete with catnip. She can't wait to give it to Spanky so "he can go CRAZY". We will be transplanting them outside some time this week.

- These little jerks..oops I mean pets will probably destroy the herb garden. Once they get a whiff of plants thriving in the front yard, it will be their life's mission to get under the gate and eat em' up. So thanks to Hibbity, Hop & Philbert, the lush green flowering paradise that was once my front yard is non-existent.
- Riley had her first Spring Program performance at school. She was so animated and surprisingly the large crowd of parents and cameras flashing didn't bother her one bit. They sang all kinds of cute songs, my sis & I couldn't stop laughing, then I look over at my Dad & Riley's Dad both have tears in their eyes... It was very touching.

- Riley & Brett at the Spring Program "After Party" I'm sure not the after party he is use to.. Awe How kids can change a person.

- Daddy took Riley to the Long Beach Aquarium, I wish I had a better pic but I guess she got to control the camera for the day. I love that Brett takes her to the movies, Aquarium (her fav place) or just to run errands all day, just because. I think it builds self esteem and helps her realize that life does not revolve around time with Mommy. Plus I enjoy my quite time. I love that he is such a great Dad!
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