Monday, June 15, 2009

Not Me.....Never.

This Mom of the year would never feed her daughter Spanish rice and pre-cooked packaged chicken for dinner, because she blew off grocery shopping for a champagne brunch that lasted 4 hours. Needless to say the Mom in question was way to lazy/ tipsy to be cooking a full meal. Not me.

Not me......I did NOT lie to the blood bank people. I know that one was bad, but they call every other day and I was running low on patience, so I said I was MIA because I was outta the country getting tattoos. That should buy me a month.

Lets get this straight I did not screen all my calls this week... OK I did but for good reason, I was running especially low on patience (again) and didn't want to loose me cool and say some really mean things to person(s) exercising unusual amounts of ignorance.

No I did not suggest to Riley that we get another rotten hamster because I felt sorry for lonely old Wilbert sitting alone in his pink palace.

Lastly, No I did not lose a very important file at the office.. Its here somewhere, but seriously where I have looked everywhere........Not me, I don't lose anything. Shit.. where is it?

1 comment:

Loni's World said...

LOL Of course, you would NEVER do that. :)