Last Friday was the culmination of a huge stress week, there was just so much to do and so little time to get it all done. Throw in the added stress of Riley birthday party(s) and I was nearly over the edge....
I was on my way to pick up the ice cream cake for Riley school party, Seriously not a minute to spare thanks to the usual office drama that delayed me. If you know me, you know I despise being late, it just puts me in a shitty mood. So I pull up to Baskin Robbins @ 10:45am to purchase the ice cream cake (which I was too lazy to get the night before) and what do ya know... they don't open until 11.. not me! I did not curse the unopened B&R in the parking lot in front of the const. crew working on the roof.... soo not lady like. So I head over to Albertsons find an acceptable ice cream cake. I swear I can hear the seconds ticking away in my brain, while I stand in the check out line with a cashier who thinks it social hour..... Does she not know I'm in a hurry????
Not me I would not turn on my bitch face and go silent... She got the point. Sorry about that.
I am on my way and less than 200 yards from the school when I see some familiar blue and red lights in the rear view... Great.... really this is wonderful. He approaches my window proceeds to tell me I was doing 29 in a 25....
I wouldn't dare tell the cop..... "seriously your going to bust my nutz for 4 miles over, there are 15 4-year old's waiting on this mediocore melting ice cream cake..........I'm late" Not me that's so unlady like, rude and not to mention asking for a ticket. The cop smiled and said he never heard that one before and told me to ease up on the lead foot. Whheeeeeww close one but it worked..
Not me.....I wouldn't sneak out of work early on Friday just because I was sick of it all.. NSF rent checks, whiny emails, evictions, keys, and the grand finale: Someone called me to tell me that there was a bird pecking at their office window and it was irritating them. Is there any thing I could do about that? I told them I could put out a sign that says "birds please don't sit here" ohh wait birds don't read!! are you kidding me... I would say something so snotty to a co worker.. not me
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