First, some of my favorite Fauna:
Bubba turned 5! Mike is 7 and Riley 4... This is a million dollar picture! I have never been able to get all to cooperate for a pic. (I guess it helps that the dogs were sleeping; is that cheating?) I have new hope that this years holiday cards will include the 4-legged babies too!
If you look closely at the pic below, slightly right of the pink potted roses, you will see a beautiful butterfly, a pair of them in fact. They followed me for a few minutes, but the second I get my camera out they were nearly gone. Lately, I have found a deeper appreciation for life and its simple beauties... Cheesy I know, but being with a loved one until their last breath is certainly a humbling experience that brings the sappiness out of a person.
Grand Finale
Everyone brace your selves, the end of the world may be near! Or maybe this just proves that my Sis is biologically related to my mom and I. Yes folks that is MINO doing yard work. I was informed via text that "sis was busy trimming her hedge!" I reminded my Bro-in-law of the T.M.I. rule. He said no the hedge in the front yard.. In shear disbelief I beat it over there with camera ready and it is true; my "yard work despising sister" was caught in the act! Guess she was not pleased with her hubby's hedge trimming skills. Oh and that's sassy little Riley talking shit to her favorite Auntie (her only Auntie).
Have a happy week my friends!
1 comment:
Love the photos! and no sleeping = cooperation lol
I have been seeing so many butterflies but just like that I get my camerera and they are gone! dang.
lol hope your sister didnt get hurt or hurt anyone.
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