While Daddy is away, his girls will play, and spend his money!
This little girl & I got mani's and pedi's together as we normally do; however, this outing was different... Riley informed me that she thinks I'm an awesome mommy, and because of me she wants to be a mommy and a Veterinarian... Then she told me the names of my future grand children. Boy= Harold..... Girl= Eyelash.... I'm so excited.. lol

Sunday we went to a memorial gathering for my BFF's aunt Gail, who passed away a few weeks ago. Lynn read a really soothing passage from the bible and we all released a
purple balloon in Gail's honor. It was touching. I would have more pictures but my memory card was at home in the computer and my camera only holds 5 pics without it.. sooo booo hooo. As you can see, my one shot at a pic and Riley was more focused on the cake not the camera, she didn't want to miss out on that butter cream frosting.
Have a delightful week!
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