Monday, February 22, 2010

6 months ago.....

6 months ago today, my grandma passed away.... Sometimes it feels like and eternity ago and other times it feels like yesterday. This is Helga's first time holding her first and only great grand baby. (July 13Th, 2005 3 days old)

I feel her presence more than ever these days... I remember every detail as she took her last breaths in his world. I remember the chill in the room at 10:36, being 3 minutes and 8 seconds into Baba O' Riley, just finished reading page 577 of Mein Kampf, right after my Moms 3 trip to pee, the texts to my sis, the wall off tears that followed and the images that will forever be burned in memory...
I knew she wouldn't be here forever but we all had hoped for a little longer...
until we meet again XOXO Jeni

1 comment:

JenCoen said...

I hope you find some sort of comfort knowing of the moments you did have with her. Sending you big warm hugs sweetie.