Thursday, February 4, 2010

Offically 30 Days into 30...

... And it didn’t hurt at all!
I thought that kissing my twenties good-bye would be slightly painful, but it has been good. (So far) I loved my twenties with all of its uncertainties, ups & downs. Had some crazy fun times thats for sure!... but I am soooo looking forward to the security and stability my thirties will bring.

NOW 40’s I could get a lil' suicidal... I'll cross that bridge when I get there!

My twenties were awesome, I floundered though selfishly, finding "me", spending money like water, eating, drinking like a fish, laughing until it hurt.  Then BAM... right in the middle I discovered what it was all about... well, shortly after 2 pink lines appeared. LOL. I found the deepest love of all on 7/10/05.
Some days I felt like an old lady, others I felt much too young to have this much responsibility. My life has changed drastically over the last 10 years... for the good (I think know). As for my thirties, I'm looking forward to watching kids grow, thankful for financial security and blessed with an awesome amount of stability.
LiFe JuSt KeEpS gEtTiNg BeTtEr!


Loni's World said...

Glad you have enjoyed your first 30 days ;)

I will keep an eye on your posts, I turn 30 in Aug so I will get to see how ya did after 8 months and know if i'm gonna make it lol

JenCoen said...

it's all out our turns.... turning 30. eek. :-)

The Girl said...

30s aren't all they were cracked up to be. Believe it or not - 40 is looking kind of good right now.