Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cut off from.............

...all social media. Ya, ever since MONDAY, the hard drive (HD*) crashed on my laptop, no facebook (FB*), no blogging.... NOTHING! At first I was lost, upset mostly because there are pictures on that stinkin' HD that were not backed up on the external HD. So I sent it off to a friend and we shall see if he can recover them.. Waiting waiting waiting.

Any who without FB my house is fantastically clean, laundry is washed IRONED and put away... dished done! Not like we lived like slobs before but I did my fair share of procrastinating house work while surfing the web.

And since I refuse to access social sites from my work computer, well that and they might blocked, I have been FB free for 3 days. I use Riley's laptop to google things I need to know.....Like where I'm going to stay for Stage Coach weekend... You know important info LOL.

Yep having a girls weekend in an S-hole little town called Indio. I am going to enjoy an entire kid-free, country music filled weekend. I almost peed myself thinking about it.

(Oh the loneliness when you lose your best buddy... {tear*} the computer)

Now on to laptop replacement decision:

New HD for my current craptop.. I fear something else will break and I will be up a creek again.

Mini HP notebook... what if I crave the big screen when the cuteness wears off?

IPAD.... Who's to say I wont want/need to do real work on the computer in the future?

New laptop..... ?????

Maybe all of the above just to cover my bases.. lol. Can you imagine the set-up headaches? I would have to institutionalize myself!

1 comment:

Loni's World said...

Have fun at stagecoach!!