Just a little blog documenting the little things in life that make it worth living.
Friday, February 27, 2009
My grandpa......:)

On February 27, 2002, my one and only Grandpa passed away. He was the most patient man I have ever known. Here are a few of the many things I remember about him:
He didn't mind drinking soda that had lost its carbonation.
He liked his ice cream slightly melted.
He could play solitaire for hours.
He loved me and my sister unconditionally and always let us know it.
He passed away a few days shy of his 50th wedding anniversary.
Today I will be taking my Grandma to the cemetary to visit him.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Lucky Leftie!
Today one of the Tenants, within the building I manage took note that I was left handed…. He then proceeded to inform me that Lefties have a shorter life expectancy than Righties. WTF? I had to do some investigation on this topic and what I found was kind of depressing.
There's a fair amount of evidence that left-handedness is caused by minor brain damage at birth (though there seems to be a genetic component as well). As a result, lefties seem to be clumsier but also more creative. (So true…If an accident is going to happen it will happen to me)
Numerous studies have reported that lefties have a higher accident rate, are more likely to have their fingers amputated due to power-tool accidents and suffer more wrist fractures. What's more, lefties suffer a higher incidence of allergies, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and learning disabilities. (Note to self *No unsupervised power tool usage* and it’s a damn good thing I have great health insurance for the other crap.)
Lefties, a 1992 article in the Atlantic notes, also show unusually high frequencies of depression, drug abuse, bed-wetting, attempted suicide, lower-than-normal birth weight, sleeping disorders, and autoimmune diseases. (None of these apply to me, with the exception of “sleep disorder” I have a kid… of coarse I have a “sleep disorder”)
In the 1992 U.S. Presidential election, all three major candidates were left-handed. According to most resources, there have been six left-handed presidents: James Garfield, Harry S Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Bill Clinton. Wow, I am in greater danger of becoming U.S. president. If that won't take years off my life, I don't know what will.
My advice to fellow southpaws: keep your head low, your spirits up, avoid power tools, and never ever accept a convention draft.
There's a fair amount of evidence that left-handedness is caused by minor brain damage at birth (though there seems to be a genetic component as well). As a result, lefties seem to be clumsier but also more creative. (So true…If an accident is going to happen it will happen to me)
Numerous studies have reported that lefties have a higher accident rate, are more likely to have their fingers amputated due to power-tool accidents and suffer more wrist fractures. What's more, lefties suffer a higher incidence of allergies, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and learning disabilities. (Note to self *No unsupervised power tool usage* and it’s a damn good thing I have great health insurance for the other crap.)
Lefties, a 1992 article in the Atlantic notes, also show unusually high frequencies of depression, drug abuse, bed-wetting, attempted suicide, lower-than-normal birth weight, sleeping disorders, and autoimmune diseases. (None of these apply to me, with the exception of “sleep disorder” I have a kid… of coarse I have a “sleep disorder”)
In the 1992 U.S. Presidential election, all three major candidates were left-handed. According to most resources, there have been six left-handed presidents: James Garfield, Harry S Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Bill Clinton. Wow, I am in greater danger of becoming U.S. president. If that won't take years off my life, I don't know what will.
My advice to fellow southpaws: keep your head low, your spirits up, avoid power tools, and never ever accept a convention draft.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Electricity Nazi
Did you know that 3 billion batteries are thrown away each year world wide..... Well 3 billion and 2, since I had to change the ones in my flash light last night. I sure hope this phase passes soon.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Flashback to April 1998

This my friends, is the aftermath of my senior prom. Yes that is a younger, tanner version of yours truley on the far left. My BFF Lynn (pasty white girl in the center) brought "douche bag" of the month, in the black shirt. I took my B/F at the time, he was 21...YAH. My male BFF Bobby (on the end) provided the drunken entertainment, I believe he called her his date! lol. Lynn and I still talk about this memorable night.... I honestly couldnt provide the silly details of where we ate dinner, where we stayed that night, or where prom was held for that matter... All I know is I had an awsome time with my BFF's that night. Love you guys dearly...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Yehhhhh Preschool!
Today was a glorious day for me as a mom.. It is the first day of preschool. Riley has been begging to go to school for a while now; however, my paranoia has sheltered her from this wonderful experience until now. This happens to be the same preschool that my sister and I attended many years ago. She was so eager for me to leave this morning, she told me "It's ok Mommy, you can go now". Today also happened to be "Mom's breakfast day".... Double score, I was rid of my kid for the day and I got breakfast. This makes Mommy super happy.

Not Friday but a flash back
I thought I would start this NEW blog with with a few flash backs from my past. I intend to post a past picture every Friday; hence the name Flashback Friday.. Please enjoy a good laugh at my expense.
Sweet little me at the age of 3.... ohhh how things change.
Jan 2001- Having my first LEGAL drink in Vegas. Check out the red nails... WTF was I thinking?

Nov 2005- I don't normally like to end on a sad note but I was perusing my pre-baby pictures and found this gem. Its the scale the day I found out I was prego... some numbers I will NEVER see again......

This is me at the Berlin Zoo in 1985 (ish) and yes those are real Lions. I am unsure if the Zoo still does this, but it was cool. I believe this picture confirms my abnormal love for animals.

July 1999-My first and last tattoo at the age 19. This was the most pain my young body had ever experienced....Looking back on this, I may have been a little dramatic. This felt like a massage compared to the pain of giving birth.
Jan 2001- Having my first LEGAL drink in Vegas. Check out the red nails... WTF was I thinking?

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