Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not Friday but a flash back

I thought I would start this NEW blog with with a few flash backs from my past. I intend to post a past picture every Friday; hence the name Flashback Friday.. Please enjoy a good laugh at my expense.

Sweet little me at the age of 3.... ohhh how things change.

This is me at the Berlin Zoo in 1985 (ish) and yes those are real Lions. I am unsure if the Zoo still does this, but it was cool. I believe this picture confirms my abnormal love for animals.

July 1999-My first and last tattoo at the age 19. This was the most pain my young body had ever experienced....Looking back on this, I may have been a little dramatic. This felt like a massage compared to the pain of giving birth.

Jan 2001- Having my first LEGAL drink in Vegas. Check out the red nails... WTF was I thinking?

Nov 2005- I don't normally like to end on a sad note but I was perusing my pre-baby pictures and found this gem. Its the scale the day I found out I was prego... some numbers I will NEVER see again......


aprilaleman said...

ha ha ha... I can tell already I will love flashback Fridays! :)

Told you I would find you. ;)

Living the Life of Riley said...

Stalker.....LOL that was quick