Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Electricity Nazi

This is Riley AKA the "Electricity Nazi" participating in her new favorite activity, conserving "tricity". You see Riley has been learning to conserve and recycle at school. I applaud the schools' efforts in the area of conservation; however, I would like for them to add a little tidbit of information to their lesson plans. Yes it is nice to turn the lights off, WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER IN USING THE ROOM! I can not tell you how many showers I have taken in the dark or how fun it is to read a book by flash light.
Did you know that 3 billion batteries are thrown away each year world wide..... Well 3 billion and 2, since I had to change the ones in my flash light last night. I sure hope this phase passes soon.

1 comment:

The Girl said...

This is so funny. I can't stop giggling. How cute is she. I can picture her turning the light off on your when you in the middle of something. LMAO !!!! Thanks for sharing that, it was great :)