Tuesday, January 11, 2011

playing catch up.......

So here I go.........my attempt to catch up on all that has happened since I dropped off the bloggy radar.

REWIND to mid August. I lost my last grandparent to pancreatic cancer and my aunt in Germany to bone cancer. What an ugly word... August was an ugly month.

September: On a lighter note, Riley went on her first field trip. Her whole class went to the LA County fair. With me and her BFF (since preschool) Roxanne by her side, there is nothing this kid didn't see.

 First time milking a goat (or anything for that matter)

 Class picture
 First time on a bus.
October: Riley won the fundraiser. She sold 184 items. Second place was 64 items. 
Gotta get a picture with the man that made it all possible...... her dad. He spent two weeks of his life hustling all his Facebook friends for his sweet Lil Riley Ann. (insert sarcasm "sweet")
Then Halloween came and it was time for a class party. Although now its  referred to as Literature day. All the kids had to bring a book that had the character they dressed as in it... silly I know but those are the rules. Since when is Halloween an offensive word?
 Can you see my Grumpy lady bug in the back row?
.....And here she is with a smile on her face just before trick or treating.
Tyler and her pooped out at the end of the night candy buckets full.....

1 comment:

freaked out 'n small said...

Great post! I can't believe she sold that many for her fundraiser! Your husband rocks! And she made an adorable lady bug...I personally liked her little bug eyes... :)